Coming soon
The Australian Transcatheter Valve Therapies Registry (ATVT-R) aims to collect procedural data on all cardiac valve procedures performed within Australia. As other valve and delivery systems are expected to be approved in the future, the establishment of a national registry of patients with valvular heart disease that can collect and analyse data as these new valve treatment options become available was identified. ACOR has been tasked with designing and implementing a national ATVT Registry. The South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) has been contracted by ACOR to be the ATVT Registry Operator. SAHMRI will be responsible for the day-to-day running and maintenance of the ATVT Registry and will also securely house the registry’s data in line with national guidelines and legislation.
The objective of the ATVT Registry is to define, improve and maintain the safety and quality of care for patients undergoing any ATVT-R procedure. The Registry aims to:
- Collect procedure, adverse event and outcome data from the entire population of patients undergoing ATVT procedures in Australia;
- Generate reports which identify areas of excellence and opportunities for improvements in the quality of ATVT procedure care; and
- Provide an accurate and transparent assessment of the safety of the ATVT procedure and devices.
The ATVT-R dataset has been designed to capture data points that are clinically relevant, enable the ability to risk adjust, are epidemiologically sound, objective, reproducible across a national dataset, can be collected uniformly from numerous participating institutions and are not overly burdensome to collect as they are already captured during the standard routine of care of patients. The dataset development has been led by experienced interventional cardiologists and cardiac surgeons who are members of an ATVT-R Steering Committee. The dataset includes patient identifiers, demographics, relevant medical history, pre-operative diagnostics, operative data and patient outcome data. Analysis of data collected will assist in improvement of patient care, advise of any trends related to underperforming devices and procedural approaches and enable benchmarking of participating institutions and clinicians. The ATVT-R has been designed to work in conjunction with the TAVI-R ensuring already collected TAVI data is not lost.
More to come.